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The Lord Is My Shepherd
Elder/Prophetess Wanda C James

1 The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want (Lack of anything)

2 He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth (guides, instructs) me beside the still (quiet, flowing) waters.

3 He restoreth my soul(my soul is preserve-kept from danger, refresh): he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness (there is no work that can earn righteousness.  I am righteous through God) for his name's sake (For the kingdom of God).

4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death (Destruction, talked about, hated, lied on, people accusing you), I will fear (not be afraid) no evil (devil, demons, warlock, witches, lies, vex, hex, voodoo, tricks, snares, traps of the enemy): for thou art with me (Jehovah Shammah - You will never leave me or forsake me.  You will walk me through anything); thy rod and thy staff they comfort me (the work and anointing, Holy Spirit being my comforter).

5 Thou preparest a table before me (the way is already prepared.  Walk in my authority. Walk in my anointing, walk in my destiny that God has laid out for me) in the presence of mine enemies (Do not be afraid of the foolishness that is happening in the church.  You see it and you don't see it.  Be about your father's business): thou anointest my head with oil (the oil of the anointing is upon me according to St. Luke 4:18); my cup runneth over (the anointing that is upon me is running over into the streets, to people that I know and people who I do not know - are coming to hear a word from God).

6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me (goodness and mercy have gone before me to prepare the way.  When I walk in my anointing, I will know that Goodness and Mercy have set the pace and atmosphere). All the days of my life (While I'm in this body, until I return unto my Father, who are in heaven, I will have Goodness and Mercy following me): and I will dwell in the house of the Lord (House of Prayer, House of Worship, House of the Word, House of the Anointing, House of Gifts and Callings, House of the Prophetic, House of Prophecy, House of Dreams and Visions and House of Completion) forever (and Ever and Ever and Ever - this is eternity.  Eternity never stops, it never ends).


June 2, 2009


Broken - Elder WJ
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