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The Call To Pray

In 2009 God birthed Anointed2Pray Prayer Ministry.  The spirit of God spoke to my spirit and said "You will be praying for people without faces."  I did  not understand the saying, until strolling through FaceBook and people were asking for prayer. I would Inbox the person and type a prayer to them.  By word of mouth, people  began to Inbox me to pray for them. I would put scriptures on my page. 


My heart has always been for the 5-Fold Ministry leaders that oversee churches.  They are usually the ones who are pouring out among the people.  Ministering to people from the pulpit, from their office and even from their homes, and when they are on vacation. 


I always wondered who are praying for the leaders in our churches. There is discouragement, disappointment, and other issues.  I believe leaders experience the same issues.  There has to be a balance in the body of Christ.  It was impressed on my heart to pray for leaders.


Joel 2:28-29 - And it shall come to pas afterward, that I will pour out of my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions:

And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out my spirit.


Let's be REAL....Everyone can benefit from someone praying for them.

Our Zoom on Line

Our Teleconference Line meets on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month starting at 6:00 am - 7:00 am. 

    • We pray for the people's heart to be turned towards God, those that do not know God, backsliders (those returning to God) and babes in Christ.

    • World Leaders and Spiritual Leaders - President, Vice President, Government Officials

    • First Responders (world, business, church, family)

    • Educational System - (Board Members, Superintendents, Directors, Principals, Teachers, Secretaries, Bus Drivers, Cafeteria Workers, Special Education Teachers, Students, School Nurses, Guidance Counselors)

    • Business Systems (Blue Collar, White Collar Workers)

    • Mass violence (gang violence, murder, human trafficking, sex trafficking) 

    • Weather conditions throughout the world (Tornadoes, Hurricanes, Flooding, Damaging winds, Earthquakes, Tsunamis) 

    • Health Care System - Doctors, Nurses, X-Ray Tech, Lab, Pharmacy, Chaplins, hospitals, nursing homes, patients, visitors, Rehab, all Health Issues (sickness, diseases, infirmities, viruses), mental issues

    • Family System - (spouses,children, marriages, relationships, widows)

    • Employment (co workers, employers, unemployment)

    • Grief - Death, Divorce, layoff, imprisoned/jail

    • Any issues, concerns or circumstances that affect everyday living. 

Join Our Prayer Team

Thanks for submitting! someone from our team will be contacting you within the next 48hrs. Godspeed and God's Mercy is our Prayer for you.

Broken - Elder WJ
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Columbia, South Carolina

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